Thursday, October 2, 2008

First Meeting- Recap

I'd like to thank everyone who made it to our first meeting. We had a diverse turnout ranging from undergraduates to PhD students, from LIS to IT. As a group, we produced a number of good ideas for future events:
  1. Help local community organizations develop a web-presence.
  2. Host a technology fair to help the public learn about computer maintenance and security.
  3. Volunteer with local organizations including the Millvale Library and Book Em'.
  4. Conduct workshops teaching non-native English speakers about their local libraries.

Our first outreach event is already in the works and is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 18th. I'll post more details as plans finalize over the next few days.

Also, our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15th, in SIS 501 from 5-6pm.

FREE PIZZA for all who attend. So, come and bring a friend.

1 comment:

Coral said...

I'm excited about the club. I wonder if there'd be any possibility of moving meetings back to 5:30, for those of us who work on Wednesdays?